![]() And today we welcome Rebbekah White to the 'Anything But a Tired Barn'! Many of you may not know her ... she hides behind her wizard geek glasses, but she is the genius who does all of the websites for Master Koda Select Publishing and heads up the graphics team for this book publisher. Welcome Rebbekah! RW: Hi Mitch ... How are things around the Barn? GMB: Not getting half the cold and snow you're getting up North ... Oh and Thanks for bringing the wonderful banner photo with you today ... Cute critter peeking our from the Spruce Bows. RW: That's for sure ... I so enjoy photography. GMB: And you are great too ... Now Rebbekah ... You have been around the internet for eleven years and... RW: When I first came online I didn’t even know how to send an attachment in emails... GMB: Really? RW: Yeah ... I know it’s hard to believe, 'cause now I'm a seriously amazing webmaster and virtual assistant. *Grinning* GMB: And we can find out more about your wonderful stuff at Advantage Marketing For You ... RW: Yes ... And just to tease a bit ... I can customize and design wordpress websites, create marketing strategies for product launches, set up newsletters and format books ... all while dancing an Irish jig on a pool table. Yep.... Uh huh *Nod and a Smile* GMB: Naw... No way... RW: Way! My nifty graphics win awards, and my work ethic is beyond reproach. GMB: Don't you just have to love this woman? RW: Yep ... Oh and if that’s not enough I'm also a radio personality and own Heal Yourself Talk Radio. I started the radio show about 9 years ago as a way to heal my own body, mind and spirit ... I was hit with several life altering events one right after the other. GMB: Tell us more about the life altering events you mentioned. RW: Over the years I have grown in many ways both professionally and personally. I met Kim Mutch Emerson a few years ago, while networking on a popular website called Ryze. Over the years we have worked together on many projects. Last year Kim and I were talking and we both wanted to be able to help authors realize their dreams and become published. Yet we didn’t want our company to be a company without a heart. Both Kim and I love giving, and we love helping. Yet we both had different talents. We are a perfect fit! Kim loves to engage in people and be the mother hen. Kim’s talents in the marketing arena far outweigh mine as far as party planning, and making what seems to be boring and hard, exciting and fun! I love being creative. I love doing graphics and bringing an author’s vision for their book cover to life. A cover they can be proud of. I also love helping those same authors learn how to brand their websites, and how to take over their websites with confidence. ![]() GMB: And I am one on those authors you have created book covers for, with the DVM cover from the Best Selling Lethal Believers series being the latest. RW: I do love doing graphics and bringing an author’s vision for their book cover to life. A cover they can be proud of... GMB: Proud indeed ... Thank You Bekah ... So there you have it - the quiet (yet marvelous) half of the small publisher with the big heart - Master Koda Select Publishing - and owner of - Advantage Marketing For You - Rebbekah White. ![]() RW: Thank You Mitch ... Oh and as a special gift for all of you visiting the 'Anything But a Tired Barn' today ... I'd like to offer a special ebook! 365 Social Media Tips. It’s filled with ideas and easy ways to market yourself in a fun and exciting way. Easy to follow! Just go to http://advantagemarketingforyou.com/gifts/365-social-media-tips/ GMB: And its Free?! RW: Yes it is! GMB: Thanks again Bekah...! RW: And once you grab your 365 Social Media Tips eBook, be sure to go to the page and sign up for the Advantage Marketing For You Newsletter where you will receive MORE FREE Gifts, to include a video that will walk you through how to use Pinterest in your business! http://www.advantagemarketingforyou.com/newsletter. GMB: Not bad ... Not bad at all... RW: Thank You Mitch ... Now let's get working on your next cover soon... GMB: You bet *Smiles* You bet ... maybe sooner than you think!
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AuthorG Mitchell Baker, Author "The Involvement of Emerson" (2012); "Lethal Believers: The Innocents" (2013); and "Lethal Believers: DVM" (2013). Welcome to this 'Anything But a Tired Barn'! This is where we write, appreciate and write some more. From the story telling to the odd question and answer between Authors and Friends. Please join in as we all get to know one another a little better... GMB. Archives
June 2014
G. Mitchell Baker, Author