ANNT: Axiom III & IV: Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology Paperback
by G. Mitchell Baker (Author)
5.0 out of 5 stars
Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology and old Mother Nature compete for the role as the world's default nature. Left to decide is whether ANNT or oMN will be humanity's preferred nature provider.
Top Customer Reviews5.0 out of 5 stars
SAFESOUND-ANNT... This ANNT Series needs to be in libraries and schools.
ByM. Sharekon May 22, 2015
Format: Paperback
I purchased ANNT: Axiom III & IV ... again a great two-for one value and offering of two novelette for SCI-FI readers beginning about grade 5. I just finished these reads and the characters are strong and well-established. There is Dr. Niles Gens, the practical physicist, geneticist and engineer. And there is the passionate Dr. Austina Doceo who specializes in other science to include biology and nano-technologies. They are on their journey to solve the world's problems at 14 years of age and we follow them through the adventures that involve hard science, technology, governance and the impact this all has on society. What is really intriguing is that now there are also the ANNT characters to learn and follow. In ANNT: Axiom I & II there were the likes of SINO-ANNT, FRENCH TACTICAL-ANNT, PROTO-ANNT 72, TRACK-ANNT, DETON-ANNT and SAFESOUND-ANNT. In ANNT; Axiom III & IV there is CONSERVE-ANNT, WEAVER-ANNT, the all purpose TETRA-ANNT, URBANFORCE-ANNT and ERADO-ANNT... so much more. The stories range from saving wild elephants in Africa from poachers, to eradicating the source of illegal drug supplies all around the world (in one operation). Incredible problems and solution for young readers to consider, perhaps imagine in their own worlds. I see the author also is involved in the artwork for these books and it all seems quite amazing. Again, I hope there is more in store because I believe these books will ignite the imaginations of young readers not only to entertain, but provide a challenge to come up with as good, if not better solutions to problems in this world than Dr. Gens, and Dr. Doceo. As a Special Ed. and Elementary teacher for 36 years I could have really used this kind of material to get my kids excited and thinking about the world around them. This ANNT Series needs to be in libraries and schools.

ANNT: Axiom I & II: Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology Kindle Edition
by G. Mitchell Baker (Author)
5.0 out of 5 stars
Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology and old Mother Nature compete for the role as the world's default nature. Left to decide is whether ANNT or oMN will be humanity's preferred nature provider.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsWow ... I hope there is a lot more Adaptable
Neo-Nature writing on the way...
By M. Sharek on May 22, 2015
Format: Paperback
I purchased the paperback version of the ANNT: Axiom I & II and, as advertised, this series is Science Fiction that a Grade 5 reader can start with if they don't mind being entertained a lot and presented with the opportunity to learn a lot as well. Interestingly, each book contains two novelette of the appropriate length for young readers (75-90 pages). What a great value. My understanding (as a Special Ed and Elementary teacher of 36 years) ANNT: Axiom is to encourage young readers to think about the future of science, technology, government and society. The story is about two young geniuses who want to solve world problems. They take on the challenge and invent Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology to compete with old Mother Nature (oMN) and provide solutions where old Mother Nature falls short. The stories take place all over the world and anywhere from Senate Hearing Chambers, to a Decision-Making Centre high in the Himalayas, to distressed farmland in Illinois, to a race course in Spain. There is action, interaction of young and old alike, some of whom understand, some who don't get it, and some who learn along the way. There is positive modelling written into these incredible stories. There is so much more to say about this material. It engages on so many levels that writing about everything is a challenge in and of itself. Suffice it to say, this SCI-FI series of books needs to be in libraries and schools. We have gone far too long without this kind of material to challenge our youth on so many important levels of 'What If' (critical) thinking, while keeping it interesting. I hope G Mitchell Baker is writing more ... we need him to keep writing and challenging our children to think about their future and how science, technology, government will determine the make-up of our society. Bravo G Mitchell Baker, ANNT: Axiom I may have been a little too much about the geniuses and scientists themselves, but when it got going in Axiom II what jam packed and entertaining storytelling with a purpose. I believe there are going to be a lot of kids reading these books and asking a lot of great questions. Can you imagine the Internet being used by kids to look up and figure things out rather than play mindless games? These books provide entertaining challenge, and a gateway for kids to enter into the world of critical thinking about important subject matter. Wow... I hope there is a lot more Adaptable Neo-Nature writing on the way...
Published 2011 - Out of Print
ANNT: Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology

As the biotechnological revolution undermines many of our most basic assumptions regarding the identity, authenticity, and the existence of nature itself, biological fiction offers us alternative visions of a world for defining these assumptions. “Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology” or “ANNT” is a series of character driven BioSciFi novels in near future, when ANNT and “Ald Mother Nature” compete for the essential role as default nature provider for all humanity.
“Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology” or “ANNT” is a series of character driven Sci-Fi novels in our contemporary near future. When ANNT and “Ald Mother Nature” compete for the essential role as the “Default Nature Provider” for all humanity, all left to decide is whether “Neo-Nature” or “Ald Nature” is the better performer.
Avant-garde scientists Dr. Austina Doceo, an attractive, gregarious computer-bio-engineer and, Dr. Niles Gens, a striking yet reserved playboy geneticist in recovery, develop ants to human scale. Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology is the Neo-Nature controlled by Gens who wants to provide for others, while Doceo competes to grow the ultimate profit from her management of the ANNT military complex. Appearing and functioning like its smaller cousins in nature, ANNT reluctantly serves humankind, while rising-up to take-on anyone daring to compete for its power to serve other than the Ald Nature that would seek to undermine its growing influence and manifest supremacy.
“ANNT: Axiom” was e-Published April 2012 and now look for the re-publication of this project, along with the first publication of “ANNT: Terraca” to follow. With the Axiom or first generation of ANNT to re-release and the series to continue with the ANNT: Terraca or raging earth, readers can start looking for ANNT to rise again, and to re-release with further publication beginning in 2013.
Rating: The author, G. Mitchell Baker represents “ANNT: Axiom” is a novel in near future science fiction to be rated “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” or 4 “Steam Kettles” (slightly steamy sex with some description). Specifically, G. Mitchell Baker represents this work to be a novel with a sterner warning to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should read this material, as some material might not be suited for them. A “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” read may go beyond the “Parental Guidance” rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted “Restricted” category. The theme of this novel by itself will not result in a rating greater than “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13”. Although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13”, for this novel, this novel does not contain any drug use will to require at least a PG-13 rating. This novel contains depiction of brief nudity to require at least a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rating, but such nudity in a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rated novel and is generally not sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in this novel, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. This novel’s use of sexually-derived words, though only as expletive, is minimal, but worthy of “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rating and consideration.
“Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology” or “ANNT” is a series of character driven Sci-Fi novels in our contemporary near future. When ANNT and “Ald Mother Nature” compete for the essential role as the “Default Nature Provider” for all humanity, all left to decide is whether “Neo-Nature” or “Ald Nature” is the better performer.
Avant-garde scientists Dr. Austina Doceo, an attractive, gregarious computer-bio-engineer and, Dr. Niles Gens, a striking yet reserved playboy geneticist in recovery, develop ants to human scale. Adaptable Neo-Nature Technology is the Neo-Nature controlled by Gens who wants to provide for others, while Doceo competes to grow the ultimate profit from her management of the ANNT military complex. Appearing and functioning like its smaller cousins in nature, ANNT reluctantly serves humankind, while rising-up to take-on anyone daring to compete for its power to serve other than the Ald Nature that would seek to undermine its growing influence and manifest supremacy.
“ANNT: Axiom” was e-Published April 2012 and now look for the re-publication of this project, along with the first publication of “ANNT: Terraca” to follow. With the Axiom or first generation of ANNT to re-release and the series to continue with the ANNT: Terraca or raging earth, readers can start looking for ANNT to rise again, and to re-release with further publication beginning in 2013.
Rating: The author, G. Mitchell Baker represents “ANNT: Axiom” is a novel in near future science fiction to be rated “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” or 4 “Steam Kettles” (slightly steamy sex with some description). Specifically, G. Mitchell Baker represents this work to be a novel with a sterner warning to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should read this material, as some material might not be suited for them. A “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” read may go beyond the “Parental Guidance” rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted “Restricted” category. The theme of this novel by itself will not result in a rating greater than “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13”. Although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13”, for this novel, this novel does not contain any drug use will to require at least a PG-13 rating. This novel contains depiction of brief nudity to require at least a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rating, but such nudity in a “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rated novel and is generally not sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in this novel, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. This novel’s use of sexually-derived words, though only as expletive, is minimal, but worthy of “Parental Guidance with limitation of age 13” rating and consideration.
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