![]() Please welcome to the 'Anything But a Tired Barn' as we host DeEette Anderton and highlight her books 'Victory' and 'The Christmas Visitors'. DeEtte we've interviewed before and I've really been looking forward to visiting with you again ... Of course we know one another from Master Koda Select Publishing, but I want to make sure our Bog Fans know you are a superb author and editor who worked on certain of my releases and forthcoming releases from Master Koda... Thank You for being such a wonderful collaborator, friend, and now guest... Now ... Do you remember the Zinger I asked to kick-off our last interview? DA: Oh your rascal ... Wasn't it something like 'Describe yourself in one, superbly edited word ...' GMB: Sure was ... And your answer, after asking your friends on Facebook was 'Unique'. That was your best answer, because there is only one you. DA: That's right Mitch... GMB: So now I have to ask ... Are you still 'unique'... DA: You bet! You have to ask twice? GMB: Sure I'll ask ... And I'll also ask about your wonderful stories ... Please tell us about 'Victory' ... DA: I am very proud of my novel 'Victory' ... The story is about Victory, a town where the people love their country and their neighbors. However, what happens when two visitors come to town? One comes with fear and control, slowly taking away the freedoms the people love. The other comes with faith. When darkness overtakes the town who will have Victory? http://amzn.com/B00AJ9QEKM ![]() GMB: I read and enjoyed reviewing this story and have to say I loved it... What does this story mean to you? DA: Its about questions like 'Got freedom?' 'Want to keep it?' 'Is that the 'Victory'. Or do we love freedom but forgot its cost. This is about remembering, valuing before its too late... GMB: Please share some more... DA: Victory is the story of a little girl, and the town where she lives. The town of Victory has a history of patriotism, faith, and friendliness. The little girl, Brown Eyes, orphaned when her missionary parents were killed in a fire, lives with her only known relative who does not want the girl. When The Guest comes to town, the people open their hearts town to him, without knowing who he is or what his motive is. Shortly after his arrival, The Stranger appears, much to the discomfort of The Guest. Slowly, the town loses its freedoms as one of the men takes over little by little. When there is a face to face showdown on the mountain, the life of the child and the future of the town are at stake. Who will have the Victory? http://tinyurl.com/c3tel2c GMB: Oh this brings back good memories of this read ... Thank You DeEtte ... Now, you also have avilable to readers 'The Christmas Visitors' ... Please tell us about this Christmas story. ![]() DA: Sure Mitch ... It's Christmas Eve - A blizzard and a paranormal sighting cause an accident on a country road. Sam and Ellen seek refuge at a nearby farmhouse. Their experience with the elderly couple that live there will change their lives forever. GMB: Indeed, Sam and Ellen are going home for Christmas, or so they think. A blizzard and some mysterious occurrences change their plans and hearts. And were can readers find your stories? DA: Links for 'Victory' include: US: http://amzn.com/B00AJ9QEKM and, UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00AJ9QEKM For 'The Christmas Visitors' the link include: US: http://amzn.com/B00ACNOXOY and UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ACNOXOY GMB: To further introduce DeEtte, here is her Author Biography:
Author and blogger, DeEtte Anderton started writing in 2007 when her son challenged her to get involved in NaNoWriMo. The manuscript sat untouched with several others until January of 2012 when a good friend encouraged her to seek publication. The Christmas Visitors is her first short story, and her current novel, Victory is also her first. DeEtte spent much of her childhood playing the piano, clarinet, and guitar, reading, and making up stories. She was active in Girl Scouts, which gave her a wide variety of experiences. While in college, she was on the University of Utah Synchronized Swim team, and taught year-round camping and survival skills for Girl Scouts. She has spent many years working with people with disabilities. Originally from Utah, currently DeEtte lives in New England where she writes full time and works on the editing team of Master Koda Select Publishing. Her other interests include swimming, crocheting, reading, traveling, history, and her grandchildren. In addition, this devoted mother of six and grandmother of twelve GMB: And here are links into DeEtte Anderton social networks: Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/DeEtte-Beckstead/e/B00ADDW94Y/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1 Blog: https://deetteanderton.wordpress.com/ AUTHORSdB page: http://www.authorsdb.com/authors-directory/66-deette-beckstead Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2207218-deette-beckstead GMB: Cheers DeEtte and again, Thank You for being my Guest today ... I hope all remains strong with the writing ... It is truly a pleasure to have such a wonderful and 'unique' author, collegue and friend to work with ... a great person doing great things... Bye for now DeEtte... Oh and a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season to you *SMILES*
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AuthorG Mitchell Baker, Author "The Involvement of Emerson" (2012); "Lethal Believers: The Innocents" (2013); and "Lethal Believers: DVM" (2013). Welcome to this 'Anything But a Tired Barn'! This is where we write, appreciate and write some more. From the story telling to the odd question and answer between Authors and Friends. Please join in as we all get to know one another a little better... GMB. Archives
June 2014
G. Mitchell Baker, Author