The Rocket Launch from Finland: An Interview with Jennifer Loiske, Author and Friend Extranordinaire4/18/2013 ![]() GMB This week, I am welcoming Author and Friend Extraordinaire, Jennifer Loiske to the Barn. Born in Lebanon, Jennifer has lived in Finland almost all of her life. From my perspective, it all sounds like a wonderful life experience you can learn more about not only from this Interview, but from Jennifer’s beautiful website as well. Welcome Jennifer, how are you? JL Greetings from Finland Mitch, it is nice to be here in The Barn. Is it safe? GMB Oh it is a little tired, leans a little, but I think it will hold up long enough for you to share a little about yourself, the writer, and author. If not, then we can just head on to the Route 66 Diner and have a coffee as well. Tell us a little more about yourself. JL I am an author of paranormal romance and paranormal stories. I live in Finland with my ever so patient family who let me fulfill my dream as a writer. I have written three different series, SHAPE SHIFTER series, IMMORTAL BLOOD series, and MCLEAN TWINS series, along with couple of stories for different anthologies. Four of my books are on Amazon worldwide. I also write articles to the magazines, keep a blog, and I am a part of the team that makes Epilepsy Finland magazine. I’m also very keen on charity work and a big part of my royalties go to the charity; mainly to help families with epileptic children but also to the epilepsy units in the hospitals. I have also just published a charity book (all profits go to charity), THE TALES OF AN OLD WIZARD with four other writers. ![]() GMB Wow Jennifer, I only knew of some of you work. Tell us, where, how do you find your greatest inspiration? JL In reverie. Just before, I wake up or fall asleep… However, not all of my inspiration comes in the quietest moments of the day. Sometimes all it takes is a half-heard word, something I see…a person, something from the nature, a movie… GMB And the direction your inspiration tends to take you is the paranormal genre? JL My love for all paranormal (Well, except for ghosts. They scare the crap out of me!). I love paranormal romance stories and my appetite for them is bottomless. So I guess it was only natural for me to start writing about them, too. Besides, all the choices are mine now, so I can create the kind of stories I’d like to read and only hope that someone else would like to read them, too. GMB Nice, and I know of your keen interest in the paranormal because that is how we met … You were kind enough to review my latest paranormal effort. "Thank You". Now, is there any other genre you like to write? If there is, why do you like to write in the second genre? JL Children’s literature. I wouldn’t be the person I am now without all those wonderful stories that I read when I was a kid. I actually have written a book for kids but it’s still in my bottom drawer… GMB Well I’m thinking we are going to have to get it out of that drawer soon, tell us, which appears first, when you are contemplating a new project: a character, the plot or the title? JL This is a tough question! Hmmm… It varies but mostly a character. Usually the title comes after the story is ready or along the way when I’m writing but it has happened once that the title was the first thing that popped into my mind and kept nagging so hard that I simply had to create a story around that title. GMB I know what you mean … Sometimes the title comes fast for me too, then the expectations… Now, what is the hardest part of a novel for you to write, the beginning, middle, or the end? JL Middle! Oh, how I hate those middle chapters! I always know how the story starts and the end is quite clear too but how to get there…that’s the tricky part. GMB I’m curious … With so much life experience, has your own life influenced your novels? JL Yes. I’ve put all my pain and frustration about my child’s illness into my SHAPE SHIFTER series. There are a lot of parts that are true, especially the facts about epilepsy and the descriptions of the seizures. I really want to spread some epilepsy awareness to my readers and hopefully open their eyes to see that a person with a disorder can be a hero too! GMB And Thank You for sharing … Can you also share with us who is your favorite character, of those you have created? ![]() JL Samantha Green from the book, CLUB NUMBER FIVE. She has a very curious mind that sometimes takes her into some difficult situations. She’s brave and even if her sudden becoming of vampire threw her into a strange world she won’t let anything to stop her from protecting her friends and family. She’s also very sassy and does not let steaming boys with hard abbs to control her. Not that she always has a choice… GMB And I have read CLUB NUMBER FIVE and Loved it … It is a book I would hope my Teenage daughter would read because the Sam Green character in a teenage way chooses wisely even though the circumstances often twist in youthful struggles. Can you also tell us about your newest release? ![]() JL My latest release is a paranormal story called BLACK DIAMOND for teen/YA readers. It tells about twelve-year-old Shannon McLean whose life has suddenly turned upside down. She has to move from Boston to England’s countryside and live with her father she does not know. Her father turns out to be some kind of a monster, not to mention his male servant. The house she’s supposed to live is not a castle but an old manor with hidden passages and stolen spirits. She also finds her other half and learns magical things about herself and her family she only dreamt about when she was a little. GMB Now this gets me thinking, let us suppose I was a publisher, and my question to you is “Why were you chosen to write this latest story?” How would you respond to the inquisitive publisher? JL It all started from a birthday party invitation to England’s countryside. The minute I Googled the party venue and saw the pictures, my fingers started to tickle and I had to start writing. Endless green fields, old dry-stone walls, mysterious woods, huge stone manors…Yes, I lost my heart to Burford long before I actually visited it and I knew the idea of young witches and demons would haunt me until I’d give in and put it on the paper. One might say I was obsessed with the story, which I probably was as I used months studying about the witches, spells, Wiccan religion and even visited some shops whilst writing the story. GMB Ah ha … and as you write about the paranormal … Tell us, which do you prefer a great hero or a great villain? Why don’t you name one of each… JL A great villain! No! A hero! Yaiks! I can’t decide but here they are… my hero: Aragorn (The Lord of The Rings) and a villain: Sylar (Heroes) GMB Well okay Jennifer, now what is your favorite movie? What is NOT your favorite movie? JL There are so many…but just to mention a few…well, The Lord of The Rings is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Meet Joe Black, Notting Hill, Matrix… and then one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen…Love Guru. GMB Oh and Notting Hill has always been a movie I can watch as well … So … If you could be anyone in the world, space, and designated realm, who would it be? JL I’ve always wanted to be Modesty Blaise. How cool would it be to be rich and beautiful, go to the secret missions and be able to survive out of anything. Oh, and have Willie Garvin as my best friend! GMB Nice…very nice … Where do you see your writing career in the next five to ten years? JL Going up like a rocket I hope! And, hopefully I’ve finished all my three series and have some new interesting writing projects going on… GMB Well we are hoping the rocket is lifting off for you and that soon you will be looking down on this Anything But Tired Old Barn from about fifteen miles up. Jennifer, it was nice to work with your again and we l certainly wish you the best of everything for your writing, your charity work and especially your Family. JL Thank You Mitch… GMB And to just summarize a little, we have your principal genre(s) as follows: (1) Paranormal; Teen/YA: BLACK DIAMOND, (2) Paranormal Romance; YA: IMMINENCE, SEDUCTION, and (3) Paranormal Romance; New Adults (age 18-24), CLUB NUMBER FIVE. JL Yes, and our readers can find my Website using the following Website Link: GMB Oh, and you've brought with you an excerpt from your latest release, BLACK DIAMOND? JL Yes, may I read it? GMB Please do Jennifer... JL “She ran upstairs, scared to death. If she had turned and looked behind she would’ve seen the pain in her father’s eyes and how beaten he looked, but she didn’t. She ran for her life, and when she reached her room she slammed the door behind her, turned the key in the lock, and hid in her bed. She pulled the blanket over her head and sat under it shaking and crying. What kind of place was this? And what was her dad? Not who but what! “This is just a dream,” she whispered to herself. “Just a dream.” She tried to calm herself down. She remembered a horror movie she had once watched with her best friend. Mom hadn’t known, of course. This place and these people were just like it. Maybe worse. This was not a movie. This was real and she was trapped. She wondered why Connor had allowed her to come there. He obviously didn’t want her there and for some reason was stuck with her now. But one thing was sure. She was not safe and she needed to get away. If she stayed, something terrible would happen. She was sure of that. Something beyond her imagination, and she didn’t want to find out what it was. She lowered the blanket a little. She was still alone. No one had followed her and her room looked as white as it had before. There was no threat in there and she felt stupid. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks with her. “Now you are being stupid,” she whispered. This was not a trick. This was true. She got up and tried the doorknob. It was still locked. She sat on the bed and glanced at the clock. It was 2 p.m. What in the world was she supposed to do for the rest of the day? She let her hand slide over the pillars on her amazing canopy bed. The wood felt smooth under her hands. It was such a shame they had painted the old bed white. She was sure that it would’ve been stunning in its natural oak color. Her hand stopped. She had felt something. Some kind of mark or engraving. She looked closer, searching for the mark. There it was. An upward-pointing triangle. What did it mean? Was it some kind of ancient symbol, or had it been made by someone that had been held in this room as a prisoner? How exciting! She forgot her fears and searched the other pillars…" GMB Thank You Jennifer. This excerpt conveys a moment of searching ... I always like the lead up to discovery ... Thank You for sharing a read with us Jennifer ... And, where can we find and continue to purchase your works? JL Yes, Thank You, my Purchase Links are: GMB Wonderful and pretty cool too... Well Jennifer, I hear The Barn creaking a little and that tells us our time is running short. I want to thank you for visiting with us here today and do wish you the best in all your endeavors. JL And thank you for opening up The Barn here and providing me the opportunity to share a little of who and what I am all about. The next time we'll have to make that trip to the Route 66 Diner. GMB Jennifer you are very, very welcome. Please keep us posted on the progress of your Rocket Launch from Finland will you? JL Yaiks … *laughing* … I sure will :-D FORTHCOMING INTERVIEW for the Week of April 24, 2013: G. Mitchell Baker Interviews Brenda Perlin, Author and Friend about her NEW BOOK RELEASE from Master Koda Select Publishing.
4/18/2013 01:30:31 am
Great interview. Love the interviewer questions and awareness of your world and love your answers. I relate well to your experience with acquiring inspiration.
4/18/2013 04:09:27 am
I enjoyed reading your interview with Jennifer very much, G. Mitchell. It's nice to learn more about an author we admire and you've both provided us with that in this interview.
Tamy Burns
4/18/2013 05:10:55 am
Great interview you two!! It's always fun to learn new things about our author friends around the world.
4/18/2013 07:37:41 am
Great interview! Really enjoyed getting to know Jennier better.
4/18/2013 04:04:45 pm
I agree with the comments above! Great interview, brilliant interviewer! And we did have fun :) Thank you, Mitch, again for the interview. You rock!
4/19/2013 12:39:38 am
You all are so very welcome ... Jennifer it was a pleasure to work with such a professional ... and have fun too :-)
DeEtte Beckstead Anderton
4/22/2013 08:07:36 am
Loved the interview and getting to know Jennifer better!
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