![]() GMB: Today we welcome to the 'Anything But A Tired Barn' Dianne Lynn Gardner, an author who I have come to know through the wonderful Master Koda Select Publishing family... Now, I am also getting to know Dianne the artist as well ... Dianne, welcome to this Tired Barn Blog *Smiles all Around*. DLG: Thank You for the Warm Welcome Mitch *Smiles*. GMB: I am looking forward to our time here ... Now Dianne, I'm going to start out a little different today ... I get a feeling this is just the right question for you to answer, for our readers and Tired Barn Blog fans to learn more about you right off ... Now tell us ... For what are you grateful? DLG: I’m grateful that I made it through the 60s in one piece. A lot of us didn’t! I’m grateful for my kids and grandkids. I’m grateful that I can live out dreams that I once had when I was young, thanks to the support of my husband. I’m grateful for Christ. GMB: Oh this is great ... Very nice Dianne ... If you had two years left to live from this moment, what would you change about your life starting tomorrow? DLG: I’d try to be kinder. I could give more of my time and my services to people who could use it. GMB: Again, I am truly liking getting to know you ... *smiles* And what is one of the most unusual things you have done in your life? DLG: Living in a Hogan, herding sheep and cows. Going on a wagon ride along the Interstate just for the sake of roughing it for a few days? GMB: Now it sounds like you have spent time in the Southwest United States. Some of these activities sound very familiar to me ... given I lived in the Southwest for many years... DLG: Perhaps ... maybe Winslow, Arizona... GMB: Ah... New Mexico here... A bit Coy *winks, nods, smiles* Okay... Who is your favorite character from your books and why? ![]() DLG: Ian. I love watching him grow and sometimes I just want to hug him because things get so tough for him. GMB: Dianne, who is your favorite author, and how did they inspire you to write? DLG: I love C.S. Lewis. I love how he reaches for simple truth and wisdom. I am also very fond of C.S. Forester's writings. He created a wonderful hero was is insecure, clumsy, and for someone whose career depends on frigates cannons, and oceanography, can't help getting sea sick. I turn to Forester for some of my tall ship references. GMB: Are the characters in your story based on people you know? DLG: Some of them, yes. GMB: Is there any part in writing you don’t like? DLG: I’m getting pretty tired of trying to market. GMB: What are you currently working on? DLG: A historical fantasy called Cassandra’s Castle about a young teen who steps into an alternate world and finds herself in the middle of revolution. GMB: Do you have a set writing schedule or do you write when the fancy hits you? DLG: I write when I can. I would write all day if no one interrupted me or if I didn’t have to cook dinner. Or at least until my behind starts hurting! ![]() GMB: What makes you, your writing unique? DLG: I come up with some pretty wild ideas. GMB: I see ... and I knew your answer might hint a little about a wilder nature and I had some fun finding a little something that we can share with our Tired Barn Blog fans ... Now, "Is that really You? *Grins* DLG: Perhaps ... I'm not telling. *grins back* GMB: Ah ha! Coy once again ... *Smiles* Now then ... *still grinning* Do you have any writing rituals like a particular treat, good luck charm, etc? DLG: Blueberries? Frozen blueberries are great for munching and replace the spice drops in a healthy way! ![]() GMB: I did not know that... *rubbing chin, pondering the potential* When you aren’t writing, what would we find you doing? DLG: Painting. Or Fencing! GMB: Well engard! DLG: Not that kind of fencing... *sighs* ... Look ... I'm referring Fencing as in the Foil, epee and a little saber ... ;-) GMB: Oh right ... Ahem ... Sorry ... It was the rancher in me coming out ... *smiles sheepish* Dianne, is music part of your writing process? If so, what do you listen to? DLG: I am inspired by music when I’m writing in my head, thinking about my stories. And when I’m painting. But when I’m at the computer I need silence pretty much. GMB: Why would someone like your book(s)? DLG: They’re fun, unpredictable and carry you into another world. GMB: Do you have any advice for the editing process? DLG: Get other eyes! GMB: Excellent advice... excellent advice Dianne... ![]() GMB: And Dianne I would like to *Thank You* for being such an interesting, albeit 'coy' guest today! Please share your bio and links with our Barn Blog Fans and so readers can connect with you. DLG: Be glad to ... My BIO includes: She's been a painter all her life having started at the age of 12 under her mother's supervision. Her first private art lesson was with a sculptress in California. Excelling in art in school and on to college, her portfolio includes portraits, inspirational works, and plein air landscapes. She was the portrait painter for the Washington Renaissance Fantasy Fair for several years painting 20 minute oil paintings during the fair. She has just recently started illustrating books, beginning this endeavor with a 9' triptych of Stenhjaert the Dragon, the antagonist in Ian's Realm Dianne is an active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and the National League of American Pen Women. Besides the Ian's Realm Saga (Deception Peak, The Dragon Shield, and Rubies and Robbers which will be released in 2013) she boasts authorship to four short stories titled A Tale of the Four Wizards Series which interweaves with the Saga. She writes for middle grade and young adults targeting boys and adventure loving girls, but adults are some of her most zealous fans of all Her writing definitely falls under the 'family friendly' category! GMB: And how about a little information for those all so important links for our Blog Fans and Readers... Ian's Realm Trilogy Deception Peak The Dragon Shield Rubies and Robbers coming soon Sequels Cassandra's Castle To be released The Diary of a Conjurer To be released Short Stories A tale of the Four Wizards Silvio Meneka Kaempie Reuben Publisher’s website: http://www.hydrapublications.com/shop/deception-peak/ Official book blog: http://dragontargeseries.blogspot.com/ Dragon Shield Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c2rm6mGBrM website http://gardnersart.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheIansRealmSaga?ref=ts&fref=ts Twitter https://twitter.com/DianneGardner Author Central on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Dianne-Lynn-Gardner/e/B0090LIYEO The Dragon Shield on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Shield-Dianne-Lynn-Gardner/dp/0615760457 Deception Peak http://amzn.com/B0090888WU Silvio http://amzn.com/B00A3WAA9G Kaempie http://amzn.com/B00AYZKIDK Meneka http://amzn.com/B00AHG460C Reuben http://amzn.com/B00B7RG72U smashwords dp http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/260744 goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6473931.Dianne_Lynn_Gardner http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17304505-dragon-shield GMB: Dianne, its been a real pleasure ... I hope to see you in the 'Anything But a Tired Barn again soon ... Did you know I paint as well? DLG: Well no-- GMB: Check out the art hanging in the Tired Barn Gallery ... Might be some fun, perhaps some inspiration there to find... Be Well My Friend, Take Care and Many Blessings...
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September 2015
G. Mitchell Baker, Author