![]() Welcome to the inaugural introduction and posting for those brave souls, who, in this new and dynamic world of e-Publishing and Amazon book-selling are willing to part with their wonderful works for the timely Amazon/Kindle price of .99 cents. GMB: This Blog is about Introducing great authors and writing gypsies willing to let their books and charms go for .99 cents. Today we welcome author, Kimber Lee ... Now, Kimber, it seems we've always been neighbors ... KL: What do you mean? GMB: You're a native Texan, and I lived in New Mexico for a lot of years. You currently live in Atlanta, GA and I'm now in Alabama. KL: Yes indeed ... Neighbors... *smiling* GMB: Well 'Hello Good Neighbor' ... and how are you this fine day? KL: Well Thank You. GMB: I understand you have an English degree with a minor in Journalism from West Texas University. Does that come in handy when writing? KL: I enjoy mentoring beginning writers to editing advanced writing. GMB: And you own a production company? KL: Yes ... With my partner and co-author, T L Burns. GMB: Nice, now today you are providing for us your novel entitled 'Lord Tristan's True Love' now available on Amazon/Kindle. KL: Yes ... Today is a great day for us to introduce my novel, 'Lord Tristan's True Love'. This novel will appeal to e-Book buyers and readers interested in Regency Romance stories GMB: Great ... Now let's introduce a little more about the gypsy writer in you and your work by first asking ... When you write, do you take notes, organize your characters and plot, or do you write freely as you go? KL: My novels write themselves-- GMB: Now I find that hard to believe ... KL: No really ... *grinning* GMB: Isn't that taking writing fiction a bit far *winking* ... KL: Not really ... *grinning back* My novels write themselves and the characters tell me what they want to do, say and where they want to go. If I try to change their ideals, the story ends up sounding strained or contrived. I have learned to let my fingers do the typing, while I simply sit. GMB: So you 'simply sit' ... *Interviewer rubbing chin, mulling* I wish I could do that ... *contemplating the possibilities* So, a novel like 'Lord Tristan's True Love' is surely written from a lot of inspiration. When does your inspiration kick in? KL: My Inspiration generally comes around about three in the morning until about eight. GMB: So your muses rattle you out of bed, and then your characters take over and voila ... a new book is-- KL: Yeah ... Just like that ... *smiling* And a pretty good book usually comes of it all. *smiling some more* As with most writing gypsies I can be sound asleep and I’ll have to get up because the muse is there and I must write. GMB: That is for certain. So KEWL ... Now ... Do you write about your personal life experiences in your stories? KL: I've incorporated my kids into one of my books but none of it is from personal experience. Since I write fiction it’s difficult to use real life, but my personality does come through in the novels. ![]() GMB: What genres do you prefer when writing projects or books? KL: I appreciate Regency Romance as a main genre, and then there is Christian Romance or even YA Romance as well. GMB: What made you decide to write 'Lord Tristan's True Love', a book now well established in the Regency Romance genre? KL: Simply put, I love the time period. Everything seemed much simpler and sweeter in the early 1800’s. Of course history is always romantic because the bad stuff is left out. ![]() GMB: Who is your favorite author, and how did they inspire you to write? KL: For Regency Romance or even Regency mystery I’d have to say Marion Chesney. She writes funny, endearing stories about people who seemed real. I loved that and couldn't get enough. She wrote lots of series and they were all wonderful. GMB: And where can we find you and Tristan on Amazon, perhaps in the social networks? KL: 'Lord Tristan's True Love' is now available on Kindle for .99. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Lord%20Tristan's%20True%20Love KL: You can also find me using the following links: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kymber-Lee-author http://authorkymberlee.wordpress.com/ https://twitter.com/KymberLeeAut••••••••hor GMB: Thank You for joining is here today ... KL: And thank you for having me ... I'm glad to know we've been neighbors all this time. Note: Lee's first published book is, 'Treasured Love', a Christian Historical Romance novel. She has also published a conspiracy novel, 'Fateful Night'; A What She Knew Trilogy (K R Hughes and T L Burns) with Master Koda Select Publishing. This is a conspiracy novel with a twist. Marilyn Monroe is saved and it's a race against time to see if "What She Knew" can save JFK from that fateful bullet. 'Fateful Night' is now available from Master Koda Select Publishing (Kindle), and 'Darkest Day' is due out from Master Koda Select Publishing (Summer/Fall 2013).
AuthorIn this new and dynamic world of e-Publishing and Amazon book-selling, G Mitchell Baker, Author "The Involvement of Emerson" (2012); "Lethal Believers: The Innocents" (2013); and "Lethal Believers: DVM" (2013). brings you this Blog, introducing great authors and book gypsies willing to let their wonderful works and charms go to you for .99 Cents. ArchivesCategories
G. Mitchell Baker, Author